Specialist Spotlight: Vickie Parsons

Specialist Spotlight with Vickie Parsons, Fairview High School in Fairview, TN

Name: Vickie Parsons

What school/program are you currently in? Fairview High School/Williamson County

Where did you go to college/what degrees did you earn? Austin Peay State University/ Business Administration/Human Resources

What/who brought you to JAG? I was introduced to JAG by Jerry Jones in 2005 when I was the school bookkeeper.

What message do you have for new JAG students? The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.

What would tell someone who may be interested in donating to JAG or volunteering with JAG?

Your donation is a direct contribution to our youths’ futures.

Why would JAG be beneficial for all students?

JAG equips high school seniors with a range of skills that are desirable in the workforce. This not only includes discipline-specific knowledge but also essential soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability.

Tell us an interesting piece of information about your life! I am teaching at the High School that I graduated from in 1989. 😊



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