Specialist Spotlight: Melissa Fugate

Specialist Spotlight with Melissa Fugate, Polk County High School


What school/program are you currently in? Polk County High School in Benton, TN

Where did you go to college/what degrees did you earn? 

Tennessee Wesleyan University, Athens, TN — Bachelor's Degree - History Major, English Minor, Secondary Education Minor

Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN — Master’s Degree - Instructional Leadership

Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN — Education Specialist, Instructional Leadership - Administration

What/who brought you to JAG?

For the past two years, I taught a senior capstone course with several of the same objectives of the senior JAG course. My CTE director and secondary education curriculum supervisor made contact with the JAG team because they thought it would be a perfect fit for our school, and I agree! 

What message do you have for new JAG students?

It’s important to realize up front that the path to your goal is going to have challenges. That is normal, and you are not the only one facing those challenges. When things feel overwhelming, take a breath, take a step back and reach out for help. You have a lot of people (your JAG teacher especially) who are there to help you. We want you to be successful and happy and are here to help you in any way we can. 

What would tell someone who may be interested in donating to JAG or volunteering with JAG?

Donating your time or money to JAG is a guaranteed return on your investment. You will give young people a chance at success that they may have never experienced without you. If you want to affect real change in your community and take part in creating a positive future for us all, JAG is the place for you. 

Why would JAG be beneficial for all students?

All students have fears about the future, and all students need guidance as they make a plan to navigate the unknown. The genius of the JAG program is the flexibility that it gives classroom teachers to provide individualized help for students from a vast range of social backgrounds. JAG acknowledges academic, economic, and emotional needs of students, and it is in their acknowledgement of and respect for a student as a complete person that they have struck gold. The JAG program fills in the gaps in a student’s preparation for the next step of their lives. All students benefit, as well as the community at large, from this type of instruction and care.  

Tell us an interesting piece of information about your life! 

In addition to teaching JAG Senior Capstone, I also direct our school’s annual musical! Last year, we performed “Frozen” and this year we are working on “The Little Mermaid”. 



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